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Conversations with the Thai girlfriend part 2

I talk to my girl a few times a week…sometimes for an hour or so and sometimes for a few minutes. It can be frustrating talking to someone ten thousand miles away because you never know what kind of connection you’ll be getting on either end. And although my girl knows a lot of English now and I know a good bit more Thai sometimes things get lost in translation. And then there are these conversations!

After talking for a half an hour there is a pause and this is what I hear:

Her: Teelac….I pregnant

Talen: …………….

Her: Teelac?

Talen: ……………uh

Her: Yah, I think 5 month

Talen: counting silently in my head…

Her: Teelac!

Talen: (thinking to myself) it adds up

Talen: Teelac….why you not tell me before?

Her: I think maybe I just pom pui (fat)

Talen: did you go see doctor?

Her: yah yah, he say I just pom pui….”giggle”

Talen: grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Her: I not want you think I pom pui so I tell you I pregnant “laughing”

Talen: Wait till I see you Teelac…..

Her: I have go now I hungry…love you Teelac.

Gotta love those Thai girls. And just in case you were wondering she weighs in at a staggering 50 kilos. Now you know what a Thai girl considers fat!

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Comment by JNo Gravatar
2007-11-17 23:39:43

very nice to talking wiht ten thousand miles chating wiht Thai sexy and Good girl

Comment by SE7ENNo Gravatar
2008-08-03 04:13:09

lol that’s hilarious. hahaha

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