Useful Thai Phrases Part 1

To be polite you will use Krup at the end of a sentence if you are male and Ka at the end of sentence if you are female.

Sa wat dee = Used for both Hello and Goodbye

Yoo tee nai = Where is

Hongnam = Bathroom

Khop koon = Thank you

Gee baht = How much

Mai ow = I don’t want

Khor toat =Sorry

Mai ben rai = It’s ok or Nevermind

Mai chop = I don’t like this

Chop maak = I like this very much

Chai = Yes

Mai chai = No

Arai = What

Tum mai = Why

Gai mai = Is it far

Sabai dee mai = How are you

Sabai dee = I am fine

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Comment by benhurjun
2007-12-24 03:05:19

Sa wat dee!
Sabai dee mai?
I am sabai dee,
I hope you too.

I’m visiting your blog
to know what it is.
Looks very nice and i will explore more
by reading the posts here.

Sa wat dee and
Khop koon!

Comment by diwatang_byaning
2008-01-03 17:12:38

hey, hmm now am confused… Mai ben rai isn’t it mai phen rai?b *scratches head*

Comment by talen
2008-01-03 21:21:44

I’ve seen it written Mai phen rai…mai pen rai…and mai ben rai. When I hear it said I seem to hear ben so thats how I’ve been saying it, which of course could be completely wrong. I think any of the three will be understood though.

Comment by Nat
2008-04-08 08:37:41

Sawadee kaa,
very nice and helpful page!!!

I have a question: when you got asked “sabai dee mai?”….How do you ask back? Just: “Sabai dee, sabai dee mai?” Or is there something like “and you?”

Khop koon kaa.

Comment by Talen
2008-04-13 09:33:08

Thats how I ask back but I do believe there is a phrase that is similar to ” and, you”…still working on things like that myself.

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