4 Main Criteria for Choosing a Rifle Scope

Rifle scope is a device in the form of an optical tube, used to accurately guide the target with remote shooting or adverse weather conditions. Mounting on the weapon is carried out with the help of special brackets, which ensure their secure fixation. Compared with the traditional methods of sighting, one of the main advantages of optical devices is the multiplicity, that is, the ability to visually approximate objects. In addition, it is the optical sights that are able to provide a broad view and a more accurate aiming due to the presence of a sighting grid. Another advantage is the ability to choose a sight for a specific type of hunting, for different distances and different weapons.

There are rifle scopes consisting from the lens, the wrapping system, the eyepiece, the aiming grid and the correction input mechanism. To improve the light transmission and to provide visibility in case of insufficient illumination, an antireflective coating is applied to the front lens of the lens. The rotating system, located between the lens and the eyepiece, converts the inverted image into a direct one.

Most Important Parameters For Choosing Rifle Scopes

  • Type of weapon. Take into account expert recommendations for choosing a rifle scope. For example, for pneumatics, a sight is needed that can withstand the feedback, and a smooth-rifle weapon is usually equipped with collimating sights. For mounting, some models already have a bracket, but when buying a sight, you can always pick up the bar to install on a specific type of weapon.
  • Optics. The diameter of the lens determines the aperture of the sight, so for twilight hunting this parameter should be at least 50 mm. Along with this, a large diameter of the lens is also necessary for hunting from the tower. The main characteristic of the eyepiece is the focal length, which in the sights for rifles ranges between 50-70 mm.
  • Multiplicity. When choosing an optical sight taking into account this characteristic, one must proceed from the main purpose of its use. For shooting at short distances (50-60 m), including during the hunt, sights with a small increase (up to x2-x3) are more suitable.
  • Eye distance. The greater the return of the weapon, the greater the eye distance (optimally - 8 cm). For rifles with weak recoil, you can choose a scope with eye distances of 2-3 cm.

If we summarize, then novice hunters should give preference to optical scopes of small multiplicity and use them with weapons with little impact. Shooting with a large multiplicity sight requires experience and skills, besides, far from all cases hunting requires an increase from x6 and higher.