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Wicked Thai Teak Furniture

We found this cool Thai patio set at Million Years Stone Park just 15 minutes outside of Pattaya. After walking through the gardens we came to this pavilion that had furniture carved out of fallen teak trees. Pretty damn comfortable rest area on a hot summers day. Although I think it’s a little too big for my place.

Teak trees are no longer cut down in Thailand since the logging ban of 1989.  Besides the massive deforestation of the timber companies the soil erosion had considerable impact on Thai communities, particularly in the south where there were devastating floods in 1988. Now Thailand imports it’s teak from surrounding countries such as Burma, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Anyway I just remembered the pics and thought you might like to see them.

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1 Comment »

Comment by JacquelineNo Gravatar
2008-10-02 12:32:33

Wow. It reminds me of the furniture I’ve seen in some of the State Lodges in North Georgia, USA. :-)
Jacquelines last blog post..Annual Sweet Auburn Heritage Festival

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