The Real Dangers in Thailand Part 3

4110  160x120 Picture 454 800x600 The Real Dangers in Thailand Part 3 I’ve been out walking the streets of Bangkok by myself at four in the morning and never once feared for my personal safety, although I was very aware of my surroundings. I can’t say the same for crossing streets in Thailand. Pedestrians are pretty much seen as targets and pedestrians in crosswalks are the bullseye.

Trust me drivers won’t slow down for you crossing the road, if anything they’ll just honk the horn to remind you of your imminent demise if you should trip. Add in bad lighting,  alcohol or both on either side of this equation and you have a recipe for disaster.

4111  160x120 Picture 455 800x600 The Real Dangers in Thailand Part 3 While Bangkok has many pedestrian bridges the same can’t be said of other popular destinations such as Pattaya where 2cnd road plays out much like the old video game frogger. 2cnd road in Pattaya as well as beach road have a very long stretch without any traffic signals and at night the lighting is sketchy at best in some places.

A study of pedestrian accidents was done in Kohn Kaen province which has a population of 150,000 in 2002. As part of the study they gathered information on pedestrian involved accidents between the years 1998-2000. In 2000 there were over 4400 pedestrians injured or killed on Thailand roads with an estimated 65,000 traffic related injuries and deaths.  A Study On Accidents and Investigation of Pedestrian’s Unsafe Conditions in Kohn Kaen.

When crossing any streets in Thailand take your time and judge car distances and speed as best you can even streets with low traffic, because by the time they hit you it’s too late and from some accidents I’ve seen there might not be much left to identify.

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Comment by Hoo DonNo Gravatar
2009-01-05 22:49:19

I think the saying ” A wing and a prayer ” originated from 2nd Road Pattaya. Normally dangerous but chuck in the Christmas tourists and it definitely is a hearting stopping road to cross. A baht bus is a far safer choice.

Hoo Dons last blog post..Sands Of Time

Comment by TalenNo Gravatar
2009-01-05 23:24:31

I damn near got flattened the first time I crossed second road. My mistake was following a small Thai girl thinking she’d navigate safely…she had a death wish!

Comment by Nomadic MattNo Gravatar
2009-01-09 06:03:47

crossing the road is a serious hazard in thailand. good post.

Nomadic Matts last blog post..Cheap Things to Do in Singapore

Comment by ChuckWowNo Gravatar
2009-08-26 06:27:20

When I am in Thailand I stay at the Beverly Plaza Hotel in south Pattaya.

This hotel is on second road which forces my wife and I to cross the road several times a day.

My favorite part of crossing the road is standing on the center line waiting for traffic to clear as vehicles whiz by in both directions.

While waiting I place my hand in the small of her back and give a playful nudge as if to push her into the speeding cars. In response she will look up at me and say “Oh, you love me too much – you want me to die first, huh ?”

Bonding while crossing the street !

Comment by jezNo Gravatar
2009-10-29 20:39:17

The one crucial thing to remember when crossing any street in Thailand is always look both ways even on a one way street as Thai drivers do not respect traffic law’s. This might save your life one day like it did mine!

Comment by TalenNo Gravatar
2009-10-29 20:41:14

So right Jez…you also have to keep an eye on the sidewalk for the motorcycle taxis coming up from behind.

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