In Loving Memory

Dad on the porch with his iced tea

Russell A. Bull


Pop, I know the last year and a half of your life was the hardest. Losing your wonderful wife and dealing with terminal cancer at the same time would have been more than enough to make anyone lay down and give up, but you fought hard.  The past year was very hard on all of us but we did what we always do, pulled together as a family and shared the tears, pain and laughter. It was hard to let you go but it was a relief that you are no longer in pain and you could once again be with the woman you loved and missed dearly.

It was fitting that you passed on a beautiful spring morning, this was always your time of year. Planting flowers, taking care of your lawn and getting your gardens ready were what you lived for. Even though you couldn’t do those things this spring it had to give you some measure of joy that you made it through the ugly winter and could feel the cool spring air as it passed through your room.

You and Mom instilled in your children a strong sense of family, and though you are gone we will always be here for each other. As parents you taught us how to make our way through life in good times and bad but the biggest gift you gave us was the gift of laughter, something we have always relied on.

Your trips to Mexico, Italy and Great Britain opened my eyes up to the world around me and instilled a sense on wanderlust and adventure in me and that is something I will forever be grateful for.

You have no worries now so you can move on in peace knowing that the family you left behind will always be there for each other and will remain as your living legacy of love and laughter.

When you get to where you are going give Mom a kiss for us and let her know we are going to be just fine…God knows she worries.


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